Many people when they first discover the Holy Appointed Festivals and the corresponding luni-solar calendar truth, find it disconcerting that there could be so many claims as to when the first visible crescent New Moon actually occurred. This will continue to be the case as long as Satan has the freedom to deceive. In spite of this apparent obstacle, there is abiding peace, knowing that Yahuwah knows the truth and will lead into all truth, those who seek and ask Him.
There are four opposing views as to exactly what constitutes the New Moon. Some believe the New Moon to be the dark conjunction lunar phase. Some believe the New Moon to be the first visible crescent lunar phase. Others believe the New Moon to be the full moon lunar phase. Still others believe the New Moon to be the last visible crescent lunar phase.
It is imperative to prayerfully consider the evidence for each viewpoint. The choice you make will determine when the seventh-day Sabbath is located. It must be realized that there is only one correct New Moon just as there is only one true seventh-day Sabbath. While each viewpoint has at least one credible point worth considering, the truth will be wrapped in the "weight of evidence".
Each individual must wrestle with Yahuwah in prayer knowing that:
- He wants us to know truth. John 4:23
- We have not, because we ask not. James 4:2
- When we ask for bread, He has promised not to give us a stone. Matthew 7:9
- Each "truth" is based on two or three principles of truth. Matthew 18:16
- Christ Yahshua said, "Ye are children of the light, not of darkness." 1Thessalonians 5:5
- It is a promise that the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth, but we must ask. John 16:13
And when the debate is, they shall stand in my (hemispherical) domes, and shall consider and believe my laws; and they shall keep my commandments in all my solemnities, and they shall hallow my Sabbaths. Ezekiel 44:24 Wycliffe Bible of 1382
Principle #1: Ye are Children of the "Light"
The very first thing Yahuwah did in the creation week was to speak forth light out of the darkness. Then, during each daylight of creation, He created all that came to be. Absolutely nothing was created during the dark of night.Throughout Scripture Yahuwah has used the contrasting principles of light and dark to teach His spiritual truths. "Darkness" was to represent infidelity, spiritual blindness and evil, while "light" was to represent "truth", spiritual understanding, and righteousness. Yahshua uses these principles over and over throughout His ministry.
Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. 1Thessalonians 5:5-6
According to Scripture the night was divided into four watches. The moon, along with the position of the stars, was the guide to knowing each fourth part of the night:- Evening Watch – commenced at sunset and its duration was one fourth of the darkness of night, ending at approx 9:00 P.M. Matthew 13:35
- Midnight Watch – commenced following the evening watch and ended at Midnight. Luke 12:38
- Cock Crowing Watch – commenced at midnight and ended at the cock crowing. Luke 12:38
- Morning Watch – commenced at the cock crowing and ended at sunrise. Matthew 14:25
The term "Night Watch" was born out of the idea of watching for the first rays of a "new day" at sunrise. The focus was always on the "light"; looking for the "light"; ever seeking the "light". In this way a living illustration was created that expressed the value Yahuwah places on the light in contrast to the dark.
For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. John 3:20-21
But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Matthew 6:23-24
Principle #2: "Truth" in Scripture is Synonymous with "Light"
- Christ Yahshua said, "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." John 8:12
- "Ye are the light of the world". Matthew 5:14
- "Let your light so shine before men" Matthew 5:16
- In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1:4
- The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the light that all men through him might believe. John 1:7
- "For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth, cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God." John 3:20
- But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who had called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. 1Peter 2:9
- But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble. Proverbs 4:18-19
It has been approximately 6000 years since creation. From a purely logical point of view, at a time when telescopes were non-existent, Yahuwah would have most likely placed His beacon of time to be a visible manifestation or sign. For something to be visible in a dark sky, it would have to be "light".
Webster's Dictionary Definition
beacon-- 1: a signal fire commonly on a hill, tower, or pole. 2: a lighthouse or other signal for guidance b: a radio transmitter emitting signals for guidance of aircraft 3: a source of light or inspiration. b: to shine as a beacon.
Principle #3: God Gave "Lights" to Beacon His Signs, Seasons,Days & Years.
But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. Ephesians 5:13 In the beginning of recorded scripture Genesis 1:14-18 states:
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:14-18
- Of paramount importance, notice that Yahuwah was making a distinction between darkness and light by separating them.
- The "lights" are plural.
- Let them be for signs: In an orchestrated dual action process, the sun and moon work together for signs and seasons specifically. This would not hold true for the New Moon if it were the dark phase or conjunction. This is because if you have a dark moon it is because the sun is not shining on it, as seen from our vantage point. Nothing is shining or working together, but all would be invisible in the darkness.
- Pure light is the signature of Yahuwah and His creative power, and not darkness, or any mix of darkness with light. Therefore, something as important as the New Moon to beacon a month of His holy seventh-day Sabbaths must itself be of the "light".
- There are "three" purposes of the sun and moon as they work in tandem: 1) To give "light" upon the earth. 2) To "rule", measuring time for the day and for the night. 3) To divide the light from the darkness. . .
Principle #4: William Miller and October 22, 1844
In the 1840's, William Miller, a student of prophetic time and a leader of a great religious awakening around the globe, believed the Lord was to return very soon. Together with Samuel Snow, they reckoned from Scripture and ancient Hebrew luni-solar calendation that the prophetic 2300 evenings and mornings were symbolic of literal years. They discovered that this prophetic period that began at the time of Artaxerxes' decree in 457 B.C., was to end in October 22, 1844. While this date was to clearly mark the anti-typical Day of Atonement and the cleansing of the Sanctuary on earth, it was wrongfully assumed by Miller that this marked the second coming of Christ Yahshua in the clouds of heaven. Because of this error as to the event to take place, they, along with all the believers world wide, experienced what is commonly known today as the "Great Disappointment of 1844".The participants in this religious movement were Christians from all religious faiths and were called "Adventists" because they looked to the soon return or second "advent" of Christ Yahshua. The Seventh-day Adventist church was born out of this great disappointment, but was not officially organized until 1863. William Miller died in December of 1849 before the Seventh-day Adventist church was organized. Therefore, his teaching and preaching must not be confused with those of the Seventh-day Adventist church and vice versa.
William Miller and Samuel Snow were basing their detailed calculations of the fulfillment of the prophecy from the "first visible crescent" New Moon just as the Hebrew people of antiquity would have had to do. Otherwise, we would be recognizing either October 20 or 21 of 1844, instead of October 22. Later, Ellen White, a leader of the newly organized Seventh-day Adventist church, placed her stamp of approval from the Lord upon the date of October 22, 1844, but not upon the event the Millerites had believed was to happen.
All those teaching that the New Moon is the dark "conjunction" lunar phase, either don't know or reject the value of William Miller's calculations of October 22, 1844. This was referred to as the Seventh Month Movement, because the Day of Atonement is always on the 10th day of Tishrei, the seventh month of the luni-solar calendar. October is always the tenth month of the Gregorian calendar. It was only Miller's calculated and pinpointed conclusion that received the stamp of approval by the Lord Yahuwah, as stated by Ellen White. (Refer to article, "Millerite Use of the Luni-Solar Calendar" )
Principle #5: The New Moon, U.S.N.O. and N.A.S.A.
Much of the New Moon confusion today arises because both the United States Naval Observatory (U.S.N.O.) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (N.A.S.A.) label the dark conjunction phase as the "New Moon". No doubt the same is true of all other nationally based astronomical organizations. These are the same organizations that, in many of their illustrated models, depict the lunar month as only 28 days in length. This is a contradiction of the detailed records they themselves keep in numeric form, which do show the lunar month to be 29 or 30 days in length. In this way they are speaking out of both sides of their mouths. All lunar months in recorded history have always been either 29 or 30 days in length. Anyone can check this out for themselves simply by making note of each phase over a 30 day period. When the lunar phase you start your count with comes back around again, then you know that you have completed your count on the previous day.The real confusion lies in the records that are kept by these organizations where they consistently refer to the dark conjunction lunar phase as "New Moon", rather than the first visible horned crescent. However, all is not lost. Because of the consistency of these organizations, it is possible to calculate utilizing all the data given to determine when the first visible crescent New Moon for any given month would have been. The following example is from N.A.S.A. using the dark conjunction lunar phase for the year of Christ Yahshua's Crucifixion.
YearNew Moon First Quarter Full Moon Last Quarter
AD 31 Apr 10 11:32 Apr 18 15:06 Apr 25 19:59 p May 2 10:42
AD 31 Apr 10 11:32 Apr 18 15:06 Apr 25 19:59 p May 2 10:42
The year was A.D. 31 and the first month of that year was April. Since N.A.S.A identifies the Gregorian 10th day to be the conjunction, all we must do is add a day to arrive at the first visible crescent as viewed in the night sky following sunset on the 11th of April. The following day April 12 is then New Moon day, which is also the first day of the luni-solar month of Abib/Nissan. Since we know from Scripture that Christ Yahshua died on the 14th of the luni-solar month of Abib/Nissan, then we simply count to 14 and, therefore, arrive at Wednesday April 25, A.D. 31, as the day of Christ Yahshua's crucifixion.
The following luni-solar calendar is for the entire year of A.D. 31 and begins in the spring in the month of Abib. The purpose of this illustration is multifaceted as it reveals the calendar used by Christ Yahshua, proclaiming Him to be the Messiah. To view the details of this illustration it is necessary to increase your screen visibility to 200%.
- The first visible crescent New Moon announces that the following day is New Moon Day, and that a new month will begin.
- The first visible crescent New Moon also announces New Year's Day to begin on the first day of Abib in spring.
- The Full Moon was visible on the night of the 13th.
- In this chart notice first how the Gregorian months float through this luni-solar calendar as depicted in black boxes. Then notice how the weeks and Saturday's float through this calendar that was kept faithfully by Christ Yahshua. The Sabbath that was kept by Christ even while in the tomb was according to this luni-solar calendar as you see in neat rows of dark blue.
- Notice by the color coding that when the New Moon refreshes each new month, it also refreshes the weekly cycle. Every month the weekly cycle is broken by the New Moon day, which according to Ezekiel 46:1 is neither a week day nor a seventh-day Sabbath.
- There are exactly 354 days in a regular twelve month luni-solar calendar year. (Refer to the gold text in the far right column.)
- There are exactly 177 days from Abib 1 to Elul 30. Therefore, there are exactly 177 days from Tisrei 1 to Adar 29. It also appears that there are exactly 177 days within any seasonal grouping of a luni-solar six month period.
- An Embolismic Year containing a thirteenth month is simply 354 days plus 30 days, which brings it to a total of 384 days.
- Notice how the color coded rows of seventh-day Sabbaths connect the spring Feast of Unleavened Bread to the fall Feast of Tabernacles.
Principle #6: Waxing and Waning Lunar Phases Clarify Truth
There is not just one, but two reasons why the "dark conjunction" lunar phase is not only dark but also never visible. The first reason is phase related, as the sun only shines on the moon's back side as viewed from earth, in this way making the visible side dark. The second reason the "conjunction" phase is never visible is position related. This dark lunar phase cannot be seen because it comes between the earth and the sun at sunrise, similar to an eclipse. Both the phase and its position work together to insure consistency, thus it will never be visible. This is because each lunar phase is also bound by physical laws to its position in the heavens. Outside of latitude variation, each lunar phase consistently appears in its approximate longitude position every 29 or 30 days.If the ancient Hebrews were to look for the dark "conjunction" phase as the "New Moon", they would have had to go out at sunrise and face the east looking for the moon, yet it would never be visible. The act of facing the sun at sunrise was considered an abomination to Yahuwah. This could have too easily been confused with sun worship. This is exactly opposite of what the Lord Yahuwah taught through the ceremonies of the Sanctuary. At sunrise, the priests were to face due west toward the Holy of Holies. What confusion might arise if they were also looking over their shoulders to get a glimpse of an invisible dark conjunction lunar phase?
In Yahuwah's mercy, the New Moon was to be announced by the trumpet blast on the evening prior to New Moon Day (first day of the month). This was for the purpose of allowing the people time to prepare for this Holy day after sunset, when it was dark. Because half of the months of any given year were 29 days in length, His people would have been just observing the seventh-day Sabbath during a 29th day month, prior to the setting sun. It was at that moment that the New Moon was announced by the blowing of the trumpet. The dark hours between the seventh-day Sabbath and the New Moon Day gave His people time to prepare for it. Remember, Yahuwah's ordained Sabbath and New Moon Days were only 12 hour periods which were observed from the sunrise to sunset. (For more on this subject see the article, "Sabbath Restoration: Three Months in a Row").
If the New Moon phase was the dark waning conjunction phase, which was to be viewed at the sunrise, there would be absolutely NO time to prepare for this Holy day, as the new day would be already upon them. The entire purpose of the trumpet blast was to announce the coming Holy day, allowing time for the people to prepare for it, both physically and spiritually.
Sound the ram's horn at the New Moon, and when the moon is full . . . . Psalms 81:3
Every 24 hour period of a lunar month the moon is on the average 45 minutes short of its previous position in the night or morning sky. The waxing phases occur during the first half of the month. This means that each night following sunset, the lunar phases display "more light" of the sun than the previous night. The waning phases which occur during the second half of the lunar month displays "less light" of the sun than the previous day. With this in mind, I have a question for you.Question: | Looking at the illustration on page 2 or 3, does the "dark conjunction" lunar phase receive more light than the previous night, as in the waxing phases, or does it receive less light than the previous day, as in the waning phases? |
Answer: | It displays less light as in the waning phases. |
It is because of the importance and intrinsic nature of this dark conjunction phase, that by coming out of its darkness, the first visible crescent moon is dubbed with the term "new". It can only be "new" because the previous moon and month ended in the obscurity of darkness as if its own light had gone out. During the entire month, the lunar phases reflect a percentage of the suns light except for the last phase. This conjunction phase is the only lunar phase that is completely dark and absent of any reflecting rays from the sun from earths perspective. It is not until the next night that there would be any possibility of seeing a crescent moon coming out of it's darkness into the marvelous light. And sometimes it isn't until the second night that a horned crescent moon is actually visible. A visible crescent moon following a non-visible lunar phase has the most apparent markings, fitting all the criteria, for what Scripture defines as the New Moon.
Principle #7: End time Prophecy of Revelation 12:1
In the end of recorded Scripture, Revelation 12:1 states:"And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. And she, being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born." Revelation 12:1-4 KJV
"A halo of light and glory clustered about the time of Jesus' death and resurrection, immortalizing the sacred facts that he was the Saviour of the world." Early Writings, p. 197.
It has only recently been discovered that this halo cluster of twelve stars is the self same one described in Revelation 12:1. It is this unbroken cluster of truth that adorns the head of this faithful and pure woman. She, alone, is symbolic of Yahuwah's faithful at the end of time, and is represented as standing on the moon, clothed with the sun, and with this halo of twelve stars above her head. Notice that the sun, moon and stars are each elements of time that make up the Creator's luni-solar calendar as He appointed in Genesis 1:14. It was this same luni-solar calendation system that was again highlighted, at the culmination of the fullness of time, by the Savor's death and resurrection.For an in-depth study on these Twelve Criteria, see the article entitled "Twelve Criteria of the True Crucifixion Date" and the corresponding e-course.
1. Year – A.D. 31 7. Full Moon Day is the 14th or 15th 2. Season – Spring 8. Feast of Passover on the 14th 3. Month – Abib/Nisan 9. Crucifixion – 9th hour of death on 14th 4. Date of Month – 14th day 10. Feast of Unleavened bread on 15th 5. Day of Week – 6th day 11. High Sabbath Rest in Tomb on 15th 6. Preparation Day – 6th day 12. Resurrection Day/Wave Sheaf on 16th
Each of the celestial terms given in Revelation 12:1 are reminiscent of the Genesis Creation account. It is also significant that this verse depicts the moon under her feet because it signifies that the moon is "visible". Nothing can be illustrated if it is invisible.
Here is depicted a people who have proactively come full circle back to the pure calendation truths of Scripture. They worship their Creator in spirit and truth by following His ordained orchestration of the sun, moon and stars, which He placed in the heavens for signs, seasons, days and years. They have discovered that it is only these created celestial bodies in the heavens, working together, that beacon all His holy festival days, including the seventh-day Sabbath, rather than the calendar hanging on the walls as inspired by Rome.
This pure woman is presented in striking contrast to the harlot woman of Revelation 17 who rides the seven headed beast. This seven headed beast is the same one represented as seeking to devour the offspring of the pure woman. Clearly, something about the pure woman has made this second harlot woman who rides the beast extremely jealous and angry. So what does it all mean? Could these seven heads of the beast represent the continuous, uninterrupted seven-day-cycle of pagan origin? Is it possible that each of the seven heads are representative of each of the planetary gods that has been applied to the pagan Gregorian calendar week-day, and known as Sun-day, Moon-day . . . Saturn's-day, etc.? Is it possible that Satan, under the guise of these planetary gods, would utilize a false Roman calendar with its unbroken cycle of weeks to undermine and destroy the knowledge of the truths of Yahuwah? Would he think to attempt to set up his own counterfeit mountain of time (har mo'ed) so as to receive worship as Yahuwah? Remember Satan's strong and boastful declaration?
I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount (har) of the congregation (mo'ed), in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Isaiah 14:13-14
Throughout the entire Bible this boastful declaration of Satan trumps all others as he proactively seeks exaltation as Yahuwah, or in place of Him. The point that is really interesting is the method he chooses to reach his ultimate goal of "god status" and worship. Rightly, many have discerned that Satan would receive worship through a counterfeit holy day. However, it appears that Satan's ultimate goal was to create an entire "mountain" of counterfeit calendation, consisting of weeks, months, years, holy days, and seventh-day Sabbaths.For most of us this is a new concept that Satan's ultimate achievement of "god status" would be reached via usurping a counterfeit "calendation mountain" in place of Yahuwah's "principles that rule in the heavens". So in dissecting Satan's declaration in Isaiah, what proof can be uncovered that reveals this was indeed his goal and whether it has been achieved yet? The first step is to find the meaning of the phrase "mount of the congregation", and then what is meant by the phrase "in the sides of the north".
Strong's Concordance:
mount - #2022 = har – mountain (literal or figurative)
congregation - #4150 = mowed, or moed -- an appointment; a fixed time; a festival; an assembly; tech. the congregation; the time, the place or the meeting itself; of the three meanings, the appointed time is most basic. The meaning of moed is fixed within the context of Israel's religion.
The "mount of the congregation" literally means Yahuwah's "mountain of appointed fixed time". His appointed fixed time system is used to locate His appointed seventh-day Sabbaths as well as His yearly holy Feast days. It has been discovered in Strong's Concordance that "seasons" = feasts = moeds. These can be referred to as Yahuwah's mountain of calendation of fixed time, and/or prophetic time. All the appointed Feasts (seasons or mo'eds), whether weekly or yearly, are reckoned by the New Moons of the luni-solar calendar.mount - #2022 = har – mountain (literal or figurative)
congregation - #4150 = mowed, or moed -- an appointment; a fixed time; a festival; an assembly; tech. the congregation; the time, the place or the meeting itself; of the three meanings, the appointed time is most basic. The meaning of moed is fixed within the context of Israel's religion.
Next, the phrase used by Satan, "in the sides of the North" at first glance appears to be rather vague. However, he was being most specific, which will be demonstrated shortly. It must not be forgotten that the battle between Yahuwah and Satan is waged over the hearts and minds of all those living on earth. Therefore, this illustration demonstrates earth with the points of the compass, which all the people scattered upon the earth hold in common.
In this illustration, notice that there are two objects relating to time, which are visibly rotating from east to west around the earth. These are the sun and the moon. They can be recognized from all points on earth exactly as Yahuwah positioned them to determine time 6000 years ago and can be described as "the principles that rule in the heavens". While throughout any given year their location will vary slightly, it is an undisputed fact that our continued observation of them is that they appear to visibly be moving from east to west.
To all appearances from earth they remain permanently on the "sides of the north" from every locality. So without Satan actually using the terms "sun and moon" or "the principles that rule in the heavens", he is actually saying exactly the same thing by coining this new phrase—"in the sides of the north". It was no secret to Satan that Yahuwah's laws and dominion included the elements of timekeeping. This is self-evident in that he specifically declared that he would "sit on the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north". From the Strong's definition above, Satan was clearly declaring that: He would sit on the throne of Yahuwah's mountain (har) of the appointed feast times (seasons and moeds), and rule over the whole earth via his counterfeit of all elements of timekeeping, and not simply the Sabbath which is only a single unit of time and only a by-product of the much larger counterfeit "mountain of time".
A logical conclusion to Satan's declaration is that since he was neither the creator of the time ordained sun and moon, nor was he the author of their orchestrated function. His only option was to author and legislate a counterfeit replacement. This he accomplished in slow increments over 2500 years beginning in 600 B.C. It has recently been discovered that Constantine did not change the sanctity of the Saturday Sabbath by moving it to Sunday. Shocking as this may be to some, within the Roman Empire, Judaism or Christianity, Saturday had never been the seventh-day on their calendars. The change occurred only after the length of the Roman week was changed from an eight-day week to a seven-day week. This change came to completion in A.D. 324 under the leadership of Constantine. He usurped to legislate a seven-day successive week cycle, a counterfeit of Yahuwah's New Moon month and weeks. In doing so he placed the solemnity on "Sun" day, in position of the first day, as the symbol of Rome's "sole" source of calendation. In contrast, Yahuwah's Holy seventh-day Sabbath was reckoned by the orchestration of both the sun and the phases of the moon, which only rarely cycled to cause the true seventh-day to fall on the Roman Saturday. “(Please see The Creator's Luni-Solar Calendar Outlawed and Pagan Origins of the Modern Calendar.)”
There are some historical records that speak of Jewish cities not engaging in battle on Saturday and, therefore, were taken captive. These were the Jews that had apostatized to the ways of the pagan gods. How can we know this? Those who remained faithful to Yahuwah's calendation and true Sabbath, He promised to protect from their enemies. The only time Israel ever went into captivity was because of her unfaithfulness to the Lord Yahuwah's commands. An additional proof of this is that prior to A.D. 324, Saturday had been the "first day" of the pagan Roman week. It had never occupied the place of the seventh-day of the Roman week until this calendation change occurred in A.D.324.
It was not until this counterfeit time system evolved that the teaching regarding – "unbroken chains of successive weeks have continued since Creation", was proclaimed. This is just another lie of the "hissing snake", promoting his counterfeit calendar or mountain of time, that he may be worshiped in place of the Creator Yahuwah. The unbroken chains of weeks concept is a mere 2500 years old, and not 6000 years old as previously thought. In other words the unbroken seven-day week cycles did not originate at creation.
The laws of God and the time of God were to be changed by this antichristian power . . . . In the prophecy it is plainly shown that this papal power would with deliberate intention change the law of God . . . . Signs of the Times 11/19/1894
In Conclusion:
The New Moon, (according to Strong's Concordance: chodesh #2320, #3394, #3842, #7720, #4582, #3391, #3376) is given approximately 300 times between Genesis and Revelation as compared to the seventh-day Sabbath which is given approximately 150 times. New Moons beacon the beginning of each new month according to Scripture, and were designed at creation to designate by its changing phases exactly when the true seventh-day Sabbaths will fall. Among all the lunar phases, the New Moon, according to Scripture, is the most significant lunar phase and of great importance to Yahuwah's calendation principles. This is because it beacons that a new month is to begin the following morning at sunrise, and begins the count for the entire month, as well as for the entire year. The Creator's luni-solar month and its corresponding weeks has been the ongoing target of Lucifer's unending attacks. For if the real truth were leaked out regarding the importance Yahuwah places on the "New Moon", Lucifer's mask would come off, and he would be exposed for the imposter and mastermind of deception that he is.The count beginning at New Moon locates all the Lord Yahuwah's Holy appointed Feasts. According to Genesis 1, Exodus 12 and 16, and Leviticus 23, His Feasts are divided into two categories; the four weekly Sabbaths each month, and the annual appointed Feasts. Yahuwah's faithful will recognize that it was Moses who recorded all three of these vitally important accounts in Scripture. His faithful will discover that Exodus contains the pivotal record and time centric key that unlocks His calendation principles of both Genesis and Leviticus. It is in Moses' record of Exodus 12, 16, and 19 that the application of Yahuwah's "seven-day week" is made with regards to His months and years. It is only in the restoring of Yahuwah's calendation truths to Israel at the Exodus that the full calendation picture is given which presents the details of exactly how the Creator placed His ordained and holy seventh-day Sabbath as His most precious gem within the framework of His lunar cycle setting. (For more on this, refer to the article "Sabbath Restoration: Three Months in a Row" and the corresponding e-course.)
If you do not now fully recognize yourself and your doctrinal beliefs in the illustration and symbology of this pure woman of Revelation as she stands as a witness upon the moon, then prayerfully ask the Lord Yahuwah to help you change your predicament. The only other choice will be to belong to the symbolic harlot woman who continues to ride the seven headed beast. Saturday Sabbatarians have long held that they have never ridden the beast. However, Revelation 13:3 states otherwise as it says that, "all the world wondered after the beast." Saturday is not the antidote to wondering after the beast because Saturday Sabbatarians are included in the term all. Certainly all the world has wondered after the beast, but Yahuwah is now calling His faithful to come out from among her.
. . . And all the world wondered after the beast. Revelation 13:3 KJV
At a time when it is not popular to believe in the Creator's luni-solar calendar, its crescent New Moons, its Holy appointed Feasts days, or its sacred seventh-day Sabbaths, the Lord Yahuwah's still small voice is calling. He is now making up His number of faithful followers who will be willing to stand by faith upon His sure foundation. Amidst great opposition from all sides, these will take up their cross and walk in this new light of His oracles of Scriptural truth.
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